Please make a version 2!
This game shows alot of promise. Try replacing the bees with a less pathetic enemy. There should be a smaller # of what you replace them with proportionate to the increase in difficulty.
I don't know if achievements more detailed than a high score medal are the way to go with this, but you need some kind of scoring system.
It would be nice to have a different song for each level. Please make the music shut off after a certain # of cycles, preferably 2 cycles. Try to use more of "Rocketrace" in the last level if you can. The way you cut "Rocketrace" in this game sounds annoying.
The Uberkids in this are just dumb. Just get rid of them. They're overused on Newgrounds & misused most of the time.
Like the others said, try to have less area where there are no enemies on the screen.
There should be a limit on how long you can hold down s. A meter that goes down & stops you from firing for a full second if it reaches empty should work. It could re-appear at full if you let go of the fire button before it reaches 0 for a fraction of a second. Use your judgement for how small a fraction it should be.
Nene using her handsdoesn't work conceptually. Try having her use folding fans or katanas for her reflecting ability.
Please make the backgrounds more subtle.
I loved the art & liked the concepts alot. I really hope you make an improved version of this game.